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  The textile industry has experienced countless changes since its birth. In recent years, the integration of new technologies has made great progress in material finishing and processing< br> Over the past two decades, the introduction of laser cutting and engraving machines into the production process of the textile industry has realized countless applications, allowing designers to expand their possibilities when considering new series< br> Tools are usually used to cut on materials, but the application of these types of tools is limited and must be maintained continuously, such as grinding, and surface treatment usually leaves unnecessary marks. Laser cutting can obtain perfect surface decoration and avoid wear problems, especially for synthetic materials such as ethylene. In addition, laser engraving machine and marking machine also have many uses. The processing of jeans has a great impact on textile laser cutting and engraving machine< br> The degradation and wear of jeans treated by sand blasting is an expensive, serious pollution and harmful technology to operators. Engraving on the fabric with laser can achieve the same effect at a lower cost, reduce production time, no pollution and non-toxic to the operator. In addition, more precise decoration and more customized patterns can also be realized< br> Leather processing is another important example of textile industry. Because the cutting accuracy of laser cutting and engraving machine is higher than that of traditional cutting tools, more and more tanning enterprises begin to invest in it. In addition, as an organic material, leather may have defects or stains, which will bring difficulties to work and damage the surface decoration. Before starting work, the laser cutting machine can be visually displayed. The operator can check these defects on the material and move the work area on the computer if any. Footwear Company is one of the major companies that decided to combine laser cutting machine with engraving machine to achieve more fine die cutting and faster speed< br> Laser engraving machine is one of the most needed machines for this kind of application, mainly because it can mark organic matter and has marking speed. In addition, its registration room allows detection to display code to the machine, designed to work on materials< br> Laser marking machines in the automotive textile industry have also achieved initial results. Car seats, leather interior finishes, etc. can be customized according to customer requirements, with high quality< br> High speed is another feature of laser cutting machine and engraving machine in textile industry. Compared with the traditional die-cutting machine, the process of the machine itself is much faster and the waste is less. There is no need to fix the materials on the machine. In addition, the production line is optimized because the pattern can be changed directly from the computer and the information can be transmitted to the machine through direct connection or flash drive< br> Many enterprises choose to provide laser cutting and engraving services for textiles and benefit from them, because this processing technology is increasingly widely used in the textile industry.

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