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With the gradual maturity of UV laser and the increase of stability, the laser processing industry has changed from infrared laser to UV laser. At the same time, the application of ultraviolet laser is becoming more and more popular, and the laser application is moving towards a broader field. For UV laser wafer cutting, the surface of sapphire substrate is hard, and it is difficult to cut it by general cutter wheel, with large wear, low yield and more than 30 cutting tracks μ m. It not only reduces the use area, but also reduces the output of products. Driven by the blue and white LED industry, the demand for sapphire substrate wafer cutting has increased greatly, which puts forward higher requirements for improving productivity and finished product qualification rate. UV laser ceramic cutting, in the last century, the application of electronic ceramics has gradually matured and has a wider range of applications, such as heat dissipation substrate, piezoelectric materials, resistance, semiconductor applications, biological applications, etc. in addition to the traditional ceramic processing technology, ceramic processing has also entered the field of laser processing due to the increase of application types. According to the material types of ceramics, they can be divided into functional ceramics, structural ceramics and bioceramics. The lasers that can be used to process ceramics include CO2 laser, YAG laser, green laser, etc. However, with the gradual miniaturization of components, UV laser processing has become a necessary processing method, which can process many kinds of ceramics. UV laser glass cutting, driven by the rise of smart phones, the application of UV laser has gradually had room for development. In the past, due to the small functions of mobile phones and the high cost of laser processing, laser processing did not occupy a large position in the mobile phone market, but now smart phones have many functions and high integration. Dozens of sensors and hundreds of functional devices need to be integrated in a limited space, and the component cost is high. Therefore, the requirements for precision, yield and processing are greatly increased, UV laser has developed a variety of applications in mobile phone industry. UV laser ITO dry etching, the biggest feature of smart phones is the function of touch screen. The capacitive touch screen can achieve multi touch. Corresponding to the resistive touch screen, it has longer service life and faster response. Therefore, the capacitive touch screen has become the mainstream of smart phones. UV laser circuit board cutting. The circuit board is cut by laser, which was first used for flexible circuit board cutting. Because there are many kinds of circuit boards, the mold is used for early processing, but the manufacturing cost of the mold is high and the manufacturing cycle is long. Therefore, using UV laser processing can avoid the cost and cycle of mold manufacturing and greatly improve the time of sample manufacturing.

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