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With the development of science and technology, all walks of life are changing quietly. Among them, the traditional mechanical knife is replaced by invisible beam in laser cutting. The characteristics of high precision and fast cutting speed of laser cutting are not limited by the cutting pattern.
Automatic typesetting saves materials, smooth cutting and low processing cost. Laser cutting is gradually improving or replacing the traditional metal cutting equipment.
Laser cutting machine is generally composed of laser generator, host, motion system, software control system, electrical system, laser generator and external light path system. The most important is the laser generator, which directly affects the performance of the equipment.
The transmission structure of laser cutting machine is generally synchronous wheel belt transmission, which is generally called meshing belt transmission. The motion is transmitted through the meshing of the transverse teeth equally distributed on the inner surface of the transmission belt and the corresponding tooth slots on the belt pulley.
At present, the laser cutting machines on the market are for a set of motion system. The laser cutting head can move and cut in the X, y and Z directions driven by the motor, and can cut with a single motion track.
With the continuous development of laser cutting technology, the processing capacity, efficiency and quality of laser cutting are constantly improving. The existing laser cutting machines are a set of motion systems. When laser cutting a single or a single version, the pattern must be the same or mirrored.
Laser cutting typesetting has limitations. It can only carry out a single graphic typesetting, can only realize a set of processing track operation, and can not improve efficiency.

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